ആകെ പേജ്‌കാഴ്‌ചകള്‍

2013, ഡിസംബർ 21, ശനിയാഴ്‌ച

The tape Recorder

What all are the things I should pack.?
I might have asked the specific question many times on that day ,the day I left Kottayi for the first time in my life.
Each one of us has such a specific day in our life ,which in turn reveal millions of possibilities that we must try until we finds the wisdom of Nothing.

Apart from all usual stuffs needed for staying in a college hostel,I have packed a tape recorder,a bunch of cassettes ,diary and my story book.Fist days of engineering college hostel was similar to Dante's experience in hell as mentioned
in DivineComedy. The one and only mode of entertainment was a tape recorder.There were no mobile phones,Walkman,mp 3 players,
and even Stevie Jobs was busy in thinking about an I phone on those days.I was such a home sick,who kept our family photo in my diary,always
gloomy from Monday to Thursday dreaming about a Friday to reach home.One of those days i have played a song from the Malayalam movie Summer in Bethlehem .
The song was "Oru Rathri kude vida vangave".I used to play that song in my tape recorder in my days of under graduation ,while my father was busy in packing my lunch box.

My father used to ask like..

DA "Do you want curd" ..after an interval of silence... again

DA "Do you want pickle"...to emphasis the point that he is caring me to the fullest and he is wrapping lunch box with love.
I used to quarrel with my father for such baby comments. and all such memories pop up in a row which made me cry in a Tuesday morning.

Days passed by,my home sickness cured by warming friend ships and we moved to a rented house next year.The tape recorder played at dawn and
dusk until the seventh wind of night.I did feel like ,i have crossed the hell and now I am wandering through purgatory in search of Beatrice .
I believed she could lead me to heaven though that never happened.We bought as many cassettes we could of all Bollywood flicks released that time.
Antony introduced me to the western music beginning with Bryan Adams,Eagles,Desert rose,John Lennon and Elton john.I was confined to the world of melodious Malayalam songs of lyrical quality.Years passed by and tape recorder sung for us all dring all those years.

I do remember the Last Day in Kollam as an Engineering student..With out much emotional attachment ,i have packed the tape recorder and
dumped it in the storage room of my house along with fading memories.

Twelve years after after the morning walk on a sunny day, I was searching my old diary to scratch some material for my new story,
i have found the tape recorder with its mouth open .There was a casette with blue cover ,the cassette of movie Swadesh.

I have played that song in that tape recorder,"Deho na Zara Dekho na" from swadesh
.The blue tone of the movie swadesh and big screen og Ragam theatre in thrissur pondered in my mind with memories of a late night second show.
I touched the trembling stereo with my hands .The sound echoed long years of dust full memorizes like the lub and dup sound of systolic
and diastolic vales of human heart echoing the laughter of human souls over the years after creation.
